Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

Deep Freeze 6

Silakan download deep fre*ze


90 days from now

Kamis, 27 November 2008

Kick the AV!!

Whadda mean?? Kick my AV??
no, what just i mention here actually is

Kicking the fake AV!!

(Bahasa Mode On) Sangat menyebalkan diganggu dengan AV gadungan, apalagi bila AV ini 'berulah' saat akan dihapus dari komputer. berikut ini informasi yang saya dapatkan dari detik i-net mengenai cara penanggulanganya. Might help you bro n sis

Story begins..

Saat ini ada 304 antivirus gadungan yang terdeteksi beredar dan menginfeksi ribuan komputer di Indonesia. Selain lewat flashdisk, virus ini dapat menyebar melalui e-mail dengan mengirim pesan palsu berisi attachment.

Virus beraksi dengan memberikan sebuah pesan palsu yang menyerupai program Windows, yang seolah-olah memberitahu bahwa di komputer Anda terdapat spyware/virus, lalu menginstal program antispyware palsu yaitu 'XP AntiSpyware 2009'.

Untuk membersihkannya, ada beberapa langkah yang perlu dilakukan. Ini dia caranya:

1. Putuskan hubungan komputer yang akan dibersihkan dari jaringan.
2. Scan komputer Anda dengan menggunakan removal tool. Anda dapat menggunakan removal tool dari Norman untuk membersihkannya (dapat anda download di sini http://download.norman.no/public/Norman_Malware_Cleaner.exe

3. Hapus string registry yang telah dibuat oleh virus. Untuk mempermudah dapat menggunakan script registry dibawah ini.

Provider=Vaksincom Oyee


HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe ""%1"""
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main, Search Bar, 0
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main, Search Page, 0
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main, Start Page, 0
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main, Default_Search_URL, 0
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main, Search Page, 0
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main, Start Page, 0
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search, SearchAssistant, 0
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center, AntiVirusDisableNotify, 0
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center, FirewallDisableNotify, 0
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center, UpdateDisableNotify, 0
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows, AppInit_DLLs, 0
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"

HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, braviax
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, braviax
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, brastk
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2, {706ab86c-937e-11dd-a04c-000c290bc510}
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Executions Options, Explorer.exe

Gunakan notepad, kemudian simpan dengan nama "Repair.inf" (gunakan pilihan Save As Type menjadi All Files agar tidak terjadi kesalahan). Jalankan repair.inf dengan klik kanan, kemudian pilih install. Sebaiknya membuat file repair.inf di komputer yang clean, agar virus tidak aktif kembali.

4. Untuk pembersihan yang optimal dan mencegah infeksi ulang, sebaiknya gunakan antivirus yang terupdate dan mengenali seluruh file instalasi virus ini dengan baik.

End of Story :D

Java Text Reader

Some weeks ago i got assignment from my lecturer to create this program. Actually i dont have any idea how to make it. Blank in my head --"
since i just learn Java a week before the assignment came, so I'm totally newbie about Java. And what? He gives me this project..

(image will be loaded soon, i'm having little time to write this entry ^^')

And finally H-1 before the assignment deadline, my friend gave me this code, I dunno where do he got it. (Finally i knwo It is Justian the man behind this code, thx dude!) Here is the code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

class MyApp extends JFrame{
private JPanel pnlAtas = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)),
pnlTgh = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()),
pnlBawah= new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));

private JLabel lblLogo = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("bee.jpg"));

private JButton btnSimpan = new JButton("Simpan"),
btnBaca = new JButton("Baca"),
btnKeluar = new JButton("Keluar");

private JTextArea txt = new JTextArea();
private JScrollPane spTxt = new JScrollPane(txt);

public MyApp(){
super("Aplikasi Input Output");


public String getTxt(){
return txt.getText();
public void setTxt(String s){

private void init(){
btnSimpan.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler(this));
btnBaca.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler(this));
btnKeluar.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler(this));

private void setLayout(){


public static void main(String[] args){
new MyApp().setVisible(true);

Function are written in Bahasa, not difficult to understand i think.
May help you guys understand Java

Pengenalan Bluetooth Hacking

Here the info o get from security-hacks.com
it's about bluetooth hacking (fundamnetal)
not much info, but I think quite worth FYI

thx to security-hacks.com :D

Discovering Bluetooth Devices

BlueScanner - BlueScanner searches out for Bluetooth-enabled devices. It will try to extract as much information as possible for each newly discovered device. Download BlueScan.

BlueSniff - BlueSniff is a GUI-based utility for finding discoverable and hidden Bluetooth-enabled devices. Download BlueSniff.

BTBrowser - Bluetooth Browser is a J2ME application that can browse and explore the technical specification of surrounding Bluetooth-enabled devices. You can browse device information and all supported profiles and service records of each device. BTBrowser works on phones that supports JSR-82 - the Java Bluetooth specification. Download BTBrowser.

BTCrawler -BTCrawler is a scanner for Windows Mobile based devices. It scans for other devices in range and performs service query. It implements the BlueJacking and BlueSnarfing attacks. Download BTCrawler.

Hacking Bluetooth Devices

BlueBugger -BlueBugger exploits the BlueBug vulnerability. BlueBug is the name of a set of Bluetooth security holes found in some Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones. By exploiting those vulnerabilities, one can gain an unauthorized access to the phone-book, calls lists and other private information. Download BlueBugger.

CIHWB - Can I Hack With Bluetooth (CIHWB) is a Bluetooth security auditing framework for Windows Mobile 2005. Currently it only support some Bluetooth exploits and tools like BlueSnarf, BlueJack, and some DoS attacks. Should work on any PocketPC with the Microsoft Bluetooth stack. Download CIHWB.

Bluediving - Bluediving is a Bluetooth penetration testing suite. It implements attacks like Bluebug, BlueSnarf, BlueSnarf++, BlueSmack, has features such as Bluetooth address spoofing, an AT and a RFCOMM socket shell and implements tools like carwhisperer, bss, L2CAP packetgenerator, L2CAP connection resetter, RFCOMM scanner and greenplaque scanning mode. Download Bluediving.

Transient Bluetooth Environment Auditor - T-BEAR is a security-auditing platform for Bluetooth-enabled devices. The platform consists of Bluetooth discovery tools, sniffing tools and various cracking tools. Download T-BEAR.

Bluesnarfer - Bluesnarfer will download the phone-book of any mobile device vulnerable to Bluesnarfing. Bluesnarfing is a serious security flow discovered in several Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones. If a mobile phone is vulnerable, it is possible to connect to the phone without alerting the owner, and gain access to restricted portions of the stored data. Download Bluesnarfer.

BTcrack - BTCrack is a Bluetooth Pass phrase (PIN) cracking tool. BTCrack aims to reconstruct the Passkey and the Link key from captured Pairing exchanges. Download BTcrack.

Blooover II - Blooover II is a J2ME-based auditing tool. It is intended to serve as an auditing tool to check whether a mobile phone is vulnerable. Download Blooover II.

BlueTest - BlueTest is a Perl script designed to do data extraction from vulnerable Bluetooth-enabled devices. Download BlueTest.

BTAudit - BTAudit is a set of programs and scripts for auditing Bluetooth-enabled devices. Download BTAuding.

Google Hack

Google hack..
tehnik hacking dengan memanfaatkan mesin pencari Google
Dengan menggunakan beberapa ketword 'advanced'
maka kita bisa memperoleh sejumlah Username dan Password, Nice trick!
(Credit to ardi85[http://blog.ardi85.web.id/])

so check these words

inurl:admin inurl: |userlist Generic userlist files
inurl:admin filetype: |asp Generic userlist files
inurl:userlist |
inurl:php inurl: |Half-life statistics file, lists username and
hlstats intext: |other information
Server Username |
filetype:ctl |
inurl:haccess. |Microsoft FrontPage equivalent of htaccess
ctl Basic |shows Web user credentials
filetype:reg |
reg intext: |Microsoft Internet Account Manager can
”internet account manager” |reveal usernames and more
filetype:wab wab |Microsoft Outlook Express Mail address
filetype:mdb inurl:profiles |Microsoft Access databases containing
index.of perform.ini |mIRC IRC ini file can list IRC usernames and
|other information
inurl:root.asp?acs=anon |Outlook Mail Web Access directory can be
|used to discover usernames
filetype:conf inurl:proftpd. |PROFTP FTP server configuration file
conf –sample |reveals
|username and server information
filetype:log username putty |PUTTY SSH client logs can reveal
|and server information
filetype:rdp rdp |Remote Desktop Connection files reveal user
intitle:index.of |UNIX bash shell history reveals commands
.bash_history |typed at a bash command prompt; usernames
|are often typed as argument strings
intitle:index.of |UNIX shell history reveals commands typed at
.sh_history |a shell command prompt; usernames are
|often typed as argument strings
“index of ” lck |Various lock files list the user currently using
|a file
+intext:webalizer +intext: |Webalizer Web statistics page lists Web user-
Total Usernames +intext: |names and statistical information
”Usage Statistics for”
filetype:reg reg HKEY_ |Windows Registry exports can reveal
CURRENT_USER |username usernames and other information


inurl:/db/main.mdb |ASP-Nuke passwords
filetype:cfm “cfapplication |ColdFusion source with potential passwords
name” password
filetype:pass |dbman credentials
pass intext:userid
allinurl:auth_user_file.txt |DCForum user passwords
eggdrop filetype:user user |Eggdrop IRC user credentials
filetype:ini inurl:flashFXP.ini |FlashFXP FTP credentials
filetype:url +inurl:”ftp://” |FTP bookmarks cleartext passwords
inurl:zebra.conf intext: |GNU Zebra passwords
password -sample -test
-tutorial –download
filetype:htpasswd htpasswd |HTTP htpasswd Web user credentials
intitle:”Index of” “.htpasswd” |HTTP htpasswd Web user credentials
“htgroup” -intitle:”dist”
-apache -htpasswd.c
intitle:”Index of” “.htpasswd” |HTTP htpasswd Web user credentials
“http://*:*@www” bob:bob |HTTP passwords (bob is a sample username)
“sets mode: +k” |IRC channel keys (passwords)
“Your password is * |Remember IRC NickServ registration passwords
this for later use”
signin filetype:url |JavaScript authentication credentials
LeapFTP intitle:”index.of./” |LeapFTP client login credentials
sites.ini modified
inurl:lilo.conf filetype:conf |LILO passwords
password -tatercounter2000
-bootpwd –man
filetype:config config intext: |Microsoft .NET application credentials
appSettings “User ID”
filetype:pwd service |Microsoft FrontPage Service Web passwords
intitle:index.of |Microsoft FrontPage Web credentials
“# -FrontPage-” |Microsoft FrontPage Web passwords
ext:pwd inurl:_vti_pvt inurl: |Microsoft FrontPage Web passwords
(Service | authors | administrators)
inurl:perform filetype:ini |mIRC nickserv credentials
intitle:”index of” intext: |mySQL database credentials
intitle:”index of” intext: |mySQL database credentials
filetype:conf oekakibbs |Oekakibss user passwords
filetype:dat wand.dat |Opera‚ ÄúMagic Wand‚Äù Web credentials
inurl:ospfd.conf intext: |OSPF Daemon Passwords
password -sample -test
-tutorial –download
index.of passlist |Passlist user credentials
inurl:passlist.txt |passlist.txt file user credentials
filetype:dat “password.dat” |password.dat files
inurl:password.log filetype:log |password.log file reveals usernames,
|passwords,and hostnames
filetype:log inurl:”password.log” |password.log files cleartext
inurl:people.lst filetype:lst |People.lst generic password file
intitle:index.of config.php |PHP Configuration File database
inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass |PHP Configuration File database
inurl:nuke filetype:sql |PHP-Nuke credentials
filetype:conf inurl:psybnc.conf |psyBNC IRC user credentials
filetype:ini ServUDaemon |servU FTP Daemon credentials
filetype:conf slapd.conf |slapd configuration files root password
inurl:”slapd.conf” intext: |slapd LDAP credentials
”credentials” -manpage
-”Manual Page” -man: -sample
inurl:”slapd.conf” intext: |slapd LDAP root password
”rootpw” -manpage
-”Manual Page” -man: -sample
filetype:sql “IDENTIFIED BY” –cvs |SQL passwords
filetype:sql password |SQL passwords
filetype:ini wcx_ftp |Total Commander FTP passwords
filetype:netrc password |UNIX .netrc user credentials
index.of.etc |UNIX /etc directories contain
|various credential files
intitle:”Index of..etc” passwd |UNIX /etc/passwd user credentials
intitle:index.of passwd |UNIX /etc/passwd user credentials
intitle:”Index of” pwd.db |UNIX /etc/pwd.db credentials
intitle:Index.of etc shadow |UNIX /etc/shadow user credentials
intitle:index.of master.passwd |UNIX master.passwd user credentials
intitle:”Index of” spwd.db |UNIX spwd.db credentials
passwd -pam.conf
filetype:bak inurl:”htaccess| |UNIX various password file backups
filetype:inc dbconn |Various database credentials
filetype:inc intext:mysql_ |Various database credentials, server names
filetype:properties inurl:db |Various database credentials, server names
inurl:vtund.conf intext:pass –cvs |Virtual Tunnel Daemon passwords
inurl:”wvdial.conf” intext: |wdial dialup user credentials
filetype:mdb wwforum |Web Wiz Forums Web credentials
“AutoCreate=TRUE password=*” |Website Access Analyzer user passwords
filetype:pwl pwl |Windows Password List user credentials
filetype:reg reg +intext: |Windows Registry Keys containing user
”defaultusername” intext: |credentials
filetype:reg reg +intext: |Windows Registry Keys containing user
”internet account manager” |credentials
“index of/” “ws_ftp.ini” |WS_FTP FTP credentials
“parent directory”
filetype:ini ws_ftp pwd |WS_FTP FTP user credentials
inurl:/wwwboard |wwwboard user credentials

mungkin temen2 ada yang ingin melihat password dari website jerman?
mungkin sebaiknya kita juga mengganti kata "password" dengan memakai bahasa jerman tentunya dibawah ini adalah tabel 5 negara beserta terjemahan password dalam bahasa masing2 negara.

German |password | Kennwort
Spanish |password | contraseña
French |password | mot de passe
Italian |password | parola d’accesso
Portuguese |password | senha
Dutch |password | Paswoord

Kamis, 25 September 2008

Beware Melamin in your food!

Heboh makanan negara kita tercemar lagi dengan zat-zat asing, sebelumnya pewarna tekstil, boraks, formalin, pemutih.. sekarang melamin! Bisa dibayang bila makanan di Indonesia tidak diberi pengawasan penggunaannya secara ketat, akan timbul hal aneh yang membahayakan konsumen Indonesia.

Berikut Produk yang disinyalir mengandung Melamin pada campuran susu nya yang terdaftar dalam BPOM:
1. Jinwei yougoo
2. Jenis susu fermentasi (ML)
3. Guozhen susu bubuk Full cream
4. Meiji Indo Eskrim Gold Monas Eskrim
5. Oreo, jenis Stik Wafer dan coklat sandwich cookie
6. M&M kembang gula
7. Snickers Biscuit
8. Dove choc kembang gula
9. Merry X-Mas kembang gula
10. Penguin kembang gula
11. Nestle Nesvita Materna.
12. Makanan ibu hamil dan menyusui
13. Nestle Milk Maid
14. jenis selei susu.

Yang terdaftar memang hanya ada empat belas, tetapi dikarenakan kontrol negara kita terhadap makanan lemah, makanan yang tidak terdaftar dalam BPOM juga banyak. Kita tidak tahu mereka menggunakan susu dari negara mana. Sebaiknya kita waspada akan makanan dan minuman kemasan yang banyak kita jumpai dipasaran.
(referensi : news.okezone.com)

Selasa, 23 September 2008

Update Manual AVG 8.0

AVG 8 menyediakan update manager otomatis, anda cukup terhubung dengan internet. Tetapi bagi anda yang tidak punya akses internet kadang menemui masalah dalam mendownload update terbaru dari AVG. Sebetulnya ada caranya. Berikut saya berikan langkah-langkahnya:

1. Pergi ke halaman http://free.avg.com/ww.download-update#
Disana akan menemukan beberapa file update. Pilih sesuai dengan keperluan anda lalu simpan
file didalam komputer.

2. Copy file hasil download ke dalam media penyimpanan portabel anda semacam flashdisk.

3. Kemudian pada komputer yang ingin di update (sudah terinstall dengan AVG 8.0)
Buka Interface AVG dengan meng-klik dua kali ikon avg pada system tray windows.

4. Pilih menu Tools -> Update from directory..
Cari lokasi dimana anda menyimpan file update dari AVG 8.0

Semoga Membantu

Selasa, 16 September 2008

Biography of Bob Sadimo

Bob Sadino

Pengusaha Bercelana Pendek

Pria berpakaian ''dinas'' celana pendek jin dan kemeja lengan pendek yang ujung lengannya tidak dijahit, ini adalah salah satu sosok entrepreneur sukses yang memulai usahanya benar-benar dari bawah dan bukan berasal dari keluarga wirausaha. Pendiri dan pemilik tunggal Kem Chicks (supermarket), ini mantan sopir taksi dan karyawan Unilever yang kemudian menjadi pengusaha sukses.

Titik balik yang getir menimpa keluarga Bob Sadino. Bob rindu pulang kampung setelah merantau sembilan tahun di Amsterdam, Belanda dan Hamburg, Jerman, sejak tahun 1958. Ia membawa pulang istrinya, mengajaknya hidup serba kekurangan. Padahal mereka tadinya hidup mapan dengan gaji yang cukup besar.

Sekembalinya di tanah air, Bob bertekad tidak ingin lagi jadi karyawan yang diperintah atasan. Karena itu ia harus kerja apa saja untuk menghidupi diri sendiri dan istrinya. Ia pernah jadi sopir taksi. Mobilnya tabrakan dan hancur. Lantas beralih jadi kuli bangunan dengan upah harian Rp 100.

Suatu hari, temannya menyarankan Bob memelihara ayam untuk melawan depresi yang dialaminya. Bob tertarik. Ketika beternak ayam itulah muncul inspirasi berwirausaha. Bob memperhatikan kehidupan ayam-ayam ternaknya. Ia mendapat ilham, ayam saja bisa berjuang untuk hidup, tentu manusia pun juga bisa.

Sebagai peternak ayam, Bob dan istrinya, setiap hari menjual beberapa kilogram telor. Dalam tempo satu setengah tahun, ia dan istrinya memiliki banyak langganan, terutama orang asing, karena mereka fasih berbahasa Inggris. Bob dan istrinya tinggal di kawasan Kemang, Jakarta, di mana terdapat banyak menetap orang asing.

Tidak jarang pasangan tersebut dimaki pelanggan, babu orang asing sekalipun. Namun mereka mengaca pada diri sendiri, memperbaiki pelayanan. Perubahan drastis pun terjadi pada diri Bob, dari pribadi feodal menjadi pelayan. Setelah itu, lama kelamaan Bob yang berambut perak, menjadi pemilik tunggal super market (pasar swalayan) Kem Chicks. Ia selalu tampil sederhana dengan kemeja lengan pendek dan celana pendek.

Bisnis pasar swalayan Bob berkembang pesat, merambah ke agribisnis, khususnya holtikutura, mengelola kebun-kebun sayur mayur untuk konsumsi orang asing di Indonesia. Karena itu ia juga menjalin kerjasama dengan para petani di beberapa daerah.

Bob percaya bahwa setiap langkah sukses selalu diawali kegagalan demi kegagalan. Perjalanan wirausaha tidak semulus yang dikira. Ia dan istrinya sering jungkir balik. Baginya uang bukan yang nomor satu. Yang penting kemauan, komitmen, berani mencari dan menangkap peluang.

Di saat melakukan sesuatu pikiran seseorang berkembang, rencana tidak harus selalu baku dan kaku, yang ada pada diri seseorang adalah pengembangan dari apa yang telah ia lakukan. Kelemahan banyak orang, terlalu banyak mikir untuk membuat rencana sehingga ia tidak segera melangkah. “Yang paling penting tindakan,” kata Bob.

Keberhasilan Bob tidak terlepas dari ketidaktahuannya sehingga ia langsung terjun ke lapangan. Setelah jatuh bangun, Bob trampil dan menguasai bidangnya. Proses keberhasilan Bob berbeda dengan kelaziman, mestinya dimulai dari ilmu, kemudian praktik, lalu menjadi trampil dan profesional.
Menurut Bob, banyak orang yang memulai dari ilmu, berpikir dan bertindak serba canggih, arogan, karena merasa memiliki ilmu yang melebihi orang lain.

Sedangkan Bob selalu luwes terhadap pelanggan, mau mendengarkan saran dan keluhan pelanggan. Dengan sikap seperti itu Bob meraih simpati pelanggan dan mampu menciptakan pasar. Menurut Bob, kepuasan pelanggan akan menciptakan kepuasan diri sendiri. Karena itu ia selalu berusaha melayani pelanggan sebaik-baiknya.

Bob menempatkan perusahaannya seperti sebuah keluarga. Semua anggota keluarga Kem Chicks harus saling menghargai, tidak ada yang utama, semuanya punya fungsi dan kekuatan.

Anak Guru

Kembali ke tanah air tahun 1967, setelah bertahun-tahun di Eropa dengan pekerjaan terakhir sebagai karyawan Djakarta Lloyd di Amsterdam dan Hamburg, Bob, anak bungsu dari lima bersaudara, hanya punya satu tekad, bekerja mandiri. Ayahnya, Sadino, pria Solo yang jadi guru kepala di SMP dan SMA Tanjungkarang, meninggal dunia ketika Bob berusia 19.

Modal yang ia bawa dari Eropa, dua sedan Mercedes buatan tahun 1960-an. Satu ia jual untuk membeli sebidang tanah di Kemang, Jakarta Selatan. Ketika itu, kawasan Kemang sepi, masih terhampar sawah dan kebun. Sedangkan mobil satunya lagi ditaksikan, Bob sendiri sopirnya.

Suatu kali, mobil itu disewakan. Ternyata, bukan uang yang kembali, tetapi berita kecelakaan yang menghancurkan mobilnya. ''Hati saya ikut hancur,'' kata Bob. Kehilangan sumber penghasilan, Bob lantas bekerja jadi kuli bangunan. Padahal, kalau ia mau, istrinya, Soelami Soejoed, yang berpengalaman sebagai sekretaris di luar negeri, bisa menyelamatkan keadaan. Tetapi, Bob bersikeras, ''Sayalah kepala keluarga. Saya yang harus mencari nafkah.''

Untuk menenangkan pikiran, Bob menerima pemberian 50 ekor ayam ras dari kenalannya, Sri Mulyono Herlambang. Dari sini Bob menanjak: Ia berhasil menjadi pemilik tunggal Kem Chicks dan pengusaha perladangan sayur sistem hidroponik. Lalu ada Kem Food, pabrik pengolahan daging di Pulogadung, dan sebuah ''warung'' shaslik di Blok M, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta. Catatan awal 1985 menunjukkan, rata-rata per bulan perusahaan Bob menjual 40 sampai 50 ton daging segar, 60 sampai 70 ton daging olahan, dan 100 ton sayuran segar.

''Saya hidup dari fantasi,'' kata Bob menggambarkan keberhasilan usahanya. Ayah dua anak ini lalu memberi contoh satu hasil fantasinya, bisa menjual kangkung Rp 1.000 per kilogram. ''Di mana pun tidak ada orang jual kangkung dengan harga segitu,'' kata Bob.

Om Bob, panggilan akrab bagi anak buahnya, tidak mau bergerak di luar bisnis makanan. Baginya, bidang yang ditekuninya sekarang tidak ada habis-habisnya. Karena itu ia tak ingin berkhayal yang macam-macam.

Haji yang berpenampilan nyentrik ini, penggemar berat musik klasik dan jazz. Saat-saat yang paling indah baginya, ketika shalat bersama istri dan dua anaknya.

Rabu, 03 September 2008

Top 10 Indonesia website (alexa ver.)

Berikut ini adalah hasil Top 10 sites yang biasa dibuka orang Indonesia:

Personalized content and search options. Chatrooms, free e-mail, clubs, and pager.
Site info for yahoo.com Site Info icon
Friendster is a leading global social network emphasizing genuine friendships and the discovery of new people through friends. Search for old friends and classmates, stay in better touch with friends, share photos and videos, and so much more.
Site info for friendster.com Site Info icon


Enables users to search the Web, Usenet, and images. Features include PageRank, caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages. The company's focus is developing search technology.
Site info for google.com Site Info icon


Free, automated weblog publishing tool that sends updates to a site via FTP.
Site info for blogger.com Site Info icon



YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide!
Site info for youtube.com Site Info icon


Free blogs managed by the developers of the WordPress software. Includes custom design templates, integrated stats, automatic spam protection and many more features.
Site info for wordpress.com Site Info icon

Kaskus - Komunitas Indonesia

Forum komunitas online dengan anggota dari berbagai negara dan memiliki beragam topik diskusi dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.
Site info for kaskus.us Site Info icon


A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and videos.
Site info for facebook.com Site Info icon


Users can upload up to 100 meg files for sharing. Provides downloads of 100 megs per hour on the free service. Premium service also available.
Site info for rapidshare.com Site Info icon

Selasa, 02 September 2008

Console Emulator

Console Emulator adalah sebuah program yang dapat mensimulasikan cara bekerja dari suatu console game. Contohnya adalah Bleem!, CVGS dan ePSXe. Seperti layaknya sebuah console game sungguhan, emulator dapat mengemulasi permainan game layaknya bermain game di console sesungguhnya. Hanya saja terkadang ada beberapa game yang tidak dapat dimainkan dikarenakan pengembangan dari emulator sendiri yang belum sempurna. Pengembangan console emulator biasanya bersifat open-source, sehingga siapa saja yang beniat membantu dapat campur tangan dalam pengembangan emulator. Mungkin karena itu juga pengembangan emulator agak lamban..

Bila berbicara mengenai masalah legalitas emulator sendiri sebetulnya legal. Tetapi yang menjadi masalah adalah pada beberapa emulator tertentu diperlukan sebuah file inti yang disebut BIOS. Hak cipta BIOS ini telah didaftarkan hak paten oleh perusahaan console yang bersangkutan. Sehingga dapat dikatakan memainkan game di emulator sebenarnya setengah legal dan ilegal. Terlepas dari itu semua emulator-emulator yang bermunculan memberi waktu bernostalgia akan game-game lama seperti di Nintendo atau Sega yang dulu pernah menjadi game foavorit anda.

Hiren's Boot CD Content

Hiren's Boot CD berisikan tool-tool yang diperlukan untuk mereparasi komputer. Hanya saja untuk menggunakan tool yang terdapat di hiren's cd ini diperlukan advanced skill dan pengetahuan yang cukup mendalam mengenai komputer. Berikut ini merupakan content dari hiren's cd:

Partition Tools

Partition Magic Pro 8.05
Best software to partition hard drive

Acronis Disk Director Suite 9.0.554
Popular disk management functions in a single suite

Paragon Partition Manager 7.0.1274
Universal tool for partitions

Partition Commander 9.01
The safe way to partition your hard drive,with undo feature

Ranish Partition Manager 2.44
a boot manager and hard disk partitioner.

The Partition Resizer 1.3.4
move and resize your partitions in one step and more.

Smart Fdisk 2.05
a simple harddisk partition manager

SPecial Fdisk 2000.03t
SPFDISK a partition tool.

eXtended Fdisk 0.9.3
XFDISK allows easy partition creation and edition

GDisk 1.1.1
Complete replacement for the DOS FDISK utility and more.

Super Fdisk 1.0
Create, delete, format partitions drives without destroying data.

Partition Table Editor 8.0
Partition Table and Boot Record Editor

Disk Clone Tools

ImageCenter 5.6 (Drive Image 2002)
Best software to clone hard drive

Norton Ghost 11.0.2
Similar to Drive Image (with usb/scsi support)

Acronis True Image 8.1.945
Create an exact disk image for complete system backup and disk cloning.

Partition Saving 3.60
A tool to backup/restore partitions. (SavePart.exe)

COPYR.DMA Build013
A Tool for making copies of hard disks with bad sectors

Antivirus Tools

F-Prot Antivirus 3.16f (2803)
Very good virus scanner (with ntfs support and easy to use menu)

McAfee Antivirus 4.4.50 (2803)
a virus scanner (with ntfs support and easy to use menu)

Recovery Tools

Active Partition Recovery 3.0
To Recover a Deleted partition.

Active Uneraser 3.0
To recover deleted files and folders on FAT and NTFS systems.

Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro 6.10
To Recover data that has been deleted/virus attack

Winternals Disk Commander 1.1
more than just a standard deleted-file recovery utility

TestDisk 6.9b
Tool to check and undelete partition.

Lost & Found 1.06
a good old data recovery software.

DiyDataRecovery Diskpatch 2.1.100
An excellent data recovery software.

Prosoft Media Tools 5.0 v1.1.2.64
Another excellent data recovery software with many other options.

PhotoRec 6.9b
File and pictures recovery Tool.

Testing Tools

System Speed Test 4.78
it tests CPU, harddrive, ect.

PC-Check 6.5
Easy to use hardware tests

Ontrack Data Advisor 5.0
Powerful diagnostic tool for assessing the condition of your computer

The Troubleshooter 7.02
all kind of hardware testing tool

PC Doctor 2004
a benchmarking and information tool

Test Cpu/Video/Disk 5.6
a tool to test cpu, video, and disk

Test Hard Disk Drive 1.0
a tool to test Hard Disk Drive

RAM (Memory) Testing Tools

DocMemory 3.1b
RAM Test utility

GoldMemory 5.07
RAM Test utility

Memtest86+ 2.01
PC Memory Test

Hard Disk Tools

Hard Disk Diagnostic Utilities
Seagate Seatools Desktop Edition 3.02
Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools
Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.04f
Maxtor PowerMax 4.23
Maxtor amset utility 4.0
Maxtor(or any Hdd) Low Level Formatter 1.1
Fujitsu HDD Diagnostic Tool 7.00
Fujitsu IDE Low Level Format 1.0
Samsung HDD Utility(HUTIL) 2.10
Samsung Disk Diagnose (SHDIAG) 1.28
IBM/Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.11
IBM/Hitachi Feature Tool 2.08
Gateway GwScan 5.12
ExcelStor's ESTest 4.20
MHDD 4.6
WDClear 1.30
Toshiba Hard Disk Diagnostic 2.00b
SeaTools for Dos 1.09

HDD Regenerator 1.51
to recover a bad hard drive

HDAT2 4.53
main function is testing and repair (regenerates) bad sectors for detected devices

Ontrack Disk Manager 9.57
Disk Test/Format/Maintenance tool.

Norton Disk Doctor 2002
a tool to repair a damaged disk, or to diagnose your hard drive.

Norton Disk Editor 2002
a powerful disk editing, manual data recovery tool.

Hard Disk Sentinel 0.01
Hard Disk health, performance and temperature monitoring tool.

Active Kill Disk 4.1
Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive.

SmartUDM 2.00
Hard Disk Drive S.M.A.R.T. Viewer.

Victoria 3.33e and 3.52rus
a freeware program for low-level HDD diagnostics

HDD Eraser 1.0
Secure erase using a special feature built into most newer hard drives

System Information Tools

Aida16 2.14
a system information tool, extracts details of all components of the PC

PCI and AGP info Tool (2803)
The PCI System information & Exploration tool.

System Analyser 5.3t
View extensive information about your hardware

Navratil Software System Information 0.59.16
High-end professional system information tool

Astra 5.35
Advanced System info Tool and Reporting Assistant

HwInfo 5.1.0
a powerful system information utility

PC-Config 9.33
Complete hardware detection of your computer

SysChk 2.46
Find out exactly what is under the hood of your PC

CPU Identification utility 1.12
Detailed information on CPU (CHKCPU.EXE)

CTIA CPU Information
another CPU information tool

MBR (Master Boot Record) Tools

MBRWork 1.07b
a utility to perform some common and uncommon MBR functions

MBR Tool 2.2.100
backup, verify, restore, edit, refresh, remove, display, re-write...

all in one tool for cmos, bios, bootrecord and more

BootFix Utility
Run this utility if you get 'Invalid system disk'

BootSave and BootRest tools to save / restore MBR

Boot Partition 2.60
add Partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader

Partition Table Doctor 3.5
a tool to repair/modify mbr, bootsector, partition table

Smart Boot Manager 3.7.1
a multi boot manager

Bootmagic 8.0
This tool is for multi boot operating systems

MBRWizard 2.0b
Directly update and modify the MBR (Master Boot Record)


CMOS 0.93
CMOS Save / Restore Tool

BIOS Cracker 4.8
BIOS password remover (cmospwd)

BIOS Cracker 1.4
BIOS password remover (cmospwc)

BIOS Utility 1.35.0
BIOS Informations, password, beep codes and more.

!BIOS 3.20
a powerfull utility for bios and cmos

a powerful all in one utility

UniFlash 1.40
bios flash utility

a tiny utility to wipe cmos

Award DMI Configuration Utility 2.43
DMI Configuration utility for modifying/viewing the MIDF contents.

MultiMedia Tools

Picture Viewer 1.94
Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes.

QuickView Pro 2.58
movie viewer for dos, supports many format including divx.

MpxPlay 1.56
a small Music Player for dos

Password Tools

Active Password Changer 3.0.420
To Reset User Password on windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista (FAT/NTFS)

Offline NT/2K/XP Password Changer
utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password.

Registry Reanimator 1.02
Check and Restore structure of the Damaged Registry files of NT/2K/XP

utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password.

Registry Viewer 4.2
Registry Viewer/Editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2K/XP

Hard Disk Password Utility

NTFS (FileSystems) Tools

NTFS Dos Pro 5.0
To access ntfs partitions from Dos

NTFS 4 Dos 1.9
To access ntfs partitions from Dos

Paragon Mount Everything 3.0
To access NTFS, Ext2FS, Ext3FS partitions from dos

NTFS Dos 3.02
To access ntfs partitions from Dos

EditBINI 1.01
to Edit boot.ini on NTFS Partition

Dos File Managers

Volkov Commander 4.99
Dos File Manager with LongFileName/ntfs support
(Similar to Norton Commander)

Dos Command Center 5.1
Classic dos-based file manager.

File Wizard 1.35
a file manager - colored files, drag and drop copy, move, delete etc.

File Maven 3.5
an advanced Dos file manager with high speed PC-to-PC file
transfers via serial or parallel cable

FastLynx 2.0
Dos file manager with Pc to Pc file transfer capability

LapLink 5.0
the smart way to transfer files and directories between PCs.

Dos Navigator 6.4.0
Dos File Manager, Norton Commander clone but has much more features.

Mini Windows 98
Can run from Ram Drive, with ntfs support,
Added 7-Zip which supports .7z .zip .cab .rar .arj .gzip,
.bzip2 .z .tar .cpio .rpm and .deb
Disk Defragmenter, Notepad / RichText Editor,
Image Viewer, .avi .mpg .divx .xvid Movie Player, etc...

Other Tools

Ghost Walker 2003.793
utility that changes the security ID (SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP

DosCDroast beta 2
Dos CD Burning Tools

Universal TCP/IP Network 6.2
MSDOS Network Client to connect via TCP/IP to a Microsoft based
network. The network can either be a peer-to-peer or a server based
network, it contains 91 different network card drivers

Dos Tools

USB CD-Rom Driver 1
Standard usb_cd.sys driver for cd drive

Universal USB Driver 2
Panasonic v2.20 ASPI Manager for USB mass storage

ASUSTeK USB Driver 3
ASUS USB CD-ROM Device Driver Version 1.00

SCSI Support
SCSI Drivers for Dos

SATA Support
SATA Driver (gcdrom.sys) and JMicron JMB361 (xcdrom.sys) for Dos

1394 Firewire Support
1394 Firewire Drivers for Dos

Interlnk support at COM1
To access another computer from COM port

Interlnk support at LPT1
To access another computer from LPT port

and too many great dos tools
very good collection of dos utilities

Windows Tools

SpaceMonger 1.4
keeping track of the free space on your computer

a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Windows.

Drive Temperature 1.0
Hard Disk Drive temperature meter

Disk Speed1.0
Hard Disk Drive Speed Testing Tool

MemTest 1.0
a Memory Testing Tool

S&M Stress Test 1.9.1
cpu/hdd/memory benchmarking and information tool, including temperatures/fan speeds/voltages

PageDfrg 2.32
System file Defragmenter For NT/2k/XP

WhitSoft File Splitter 4.5a
a Small File Split-Join Tool

Ghost Image Explorer 11.0.2
to add/remove/extract files from Ghost image file

DriveImage Explorer 5.0
to add/remove/extract files from Drive image file

Drive SnapShot 1.38
creates an exact Disk Image of your system into a file while windows is running.

Active Undelete 5.5
a tool to recover deleted files

Restoration 2.5.14
a tool to recover deleted files

GetDataBack for FAT 2.31
Data recovery software for FAT file systems

GetDataBack for NTFS 2.31
Data recovery software for NTFS file systems

Recuva 1.12.291
Restore deleted files from Hard Drive, Digital Camera Memory Card, usb mp3 player...

Partition Find and Mount 2.3
Partition Find and Mount software is designed to find lost or deleted partitions

Unstoppable Copier 3.12
Allows you to copy files from disks with problems such as bad sectors,
scratches or that just give errors when reading data.

HDD Scan 2.8
This is a Low-level HDD diagnostic tool, it scans surface find bad sectors etc.

Express Burn 4.08
CD/DVD Burner Program to create and record CDs/DVDs, also create/burn .iso and .nrg images

Data Shredder 1.0
A tool to Erase disk and files (also wipe free space) securely

Startup Control Panel 2.8
a tool to edit startup programs

NT Registry Optimizer 1.1j
Registry Optimization for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista

DefragNT 1.9
This tool presents the user with many options for disk defragmenting

JkDefrag 3.34
Free disk defragment and optimize utility for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista

Startup Monitor 1.02
it notifies you when any program registers itself to run at system startup

IB Process Manager 1.04
a little process manager for 9x/2k, shows dll info etc.

Process Explorer 11.11
shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded

Pocket KillBox
can be used to get rid of files that stubbornly refuse to allow you to delete them

Unlocker 1.8.6
This tool can delete file/folder when you get this message - Cannot delete file:
Access is denied, The file is in use by another program etc.

HijackThis 2.0.2
a general homepage hijackers detector and remover and more

RootkitRevealer 1.7
Rootkit Revealer is an advanced patent-pending root kit detection utility.

Silent Runners Revision 56
A free script that helps detect spyware, malware and adware in the startup process

Autoruns 9.13
Displays All the entries from startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys,
Explorer shell extensions,toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications,
auto-start services, Scheduled Tasks, Winsock, LSA Providers, Remove Drivers
and much more which helps to remove nasty spyware/adware and viruses.

Dial a Fix
Fix errors and problems with COM/ActiveX object errors and missing registry entries,
Automatic Updates, SSL, HTTPS, and Cryptography service (signing/verification)
issues, Reinstall internet explorer etc. comes with the policy scanner

CurrPort 1.20
displays the list of all currently opened TCP and UDP ports on your computer

Unknown Devices 1.2 (2803)
helps you find what those unknown devices in Device Manager really are

PCI 32 Sniffer 1.4 (2803)
device information tool (similar to unknown devices)

NewSID 4.10
utility that changes the security ID (SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP

Double Driver 1.0
Driver Backup and Restore tool

DriverBackup! 1.0.3
Another handy tool to backup drivers

CPU-Z 1.44.1
It gathers information on some of the main devices of your system

CWShredder 2.19
Popular CoolWebSearch Trojan Remover tool

SmitFraudFix 2.309
This removes Some of the popular Desktop Hijack malware

Winsock 2 Fix for 9x
to fix corrupted Winsock2 information by poorly written Internet programs

XP TCP/IP Repair 1.0
Repair your Windows XP Winsock and TCP/IP registry errors

CCleaner 2.06.567
Crap Cleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool

Helpful tool when trying to remove viruses, spyware, and malware

Content Advisor Password Remover 1.0
It Removes Content Advisor Password from Internet Explorer

WinKeyFinder 1.73
Allows you to View and Change Windows XP/2003 Product Keys, backup and restore
activation related files, backup Microsoft Office 97, 2000 SP2, XP/2003 keys etc.

ProduKey 1.26
Recovers lost the product key of your Windows/Office

Wireless Key View 1.16
Recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by WZC

Monitor Tester 1.0
Allows you to test CRT/LCD/TFT screens for dead pixels and diffective screens

Shell Extensions Manager (ShellExView) 1.19
An excellent tool to View and Manage all installed Context-menu/Shell extensions

TweakUI 2.10
This PowerToy gives you access to system settings that are not exposed in the Windows Xp

Xp-AntiSpy 3.96.8
it tweaks some Windows XP functions, and disables some unneeded Windows services quickly

PC Wizard 2008 1.84
Powerful system information/benchmark utility designed especially for detection of hardware.

Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5.2 (2803)
Application to scan for spyware, adware, hijackers and other malicious software.

SpywareBlaster 4.0 (2803)
Prevent the installation of spyware and other potentially unwanted software.

Ad-Aware SE Personal 1.06 (2803)
find and remove spyware, adware, dialers etc. (a must have tool)

Download Hiren's Boot CD 9.5 via rapidshare